Miss Pornlapas Pongphrom
(Coach PP)
Planning Analyst
Nakhon Phanom University
Learning Executive Coach Certification Program conducted by Coach KC of CoachPlus Academy brought me new insights about coaching and deliberately unlocking my potentials, vanishing my doubt, giving my clarity about future and empowering me the decision and action to transform myself. I have a new way of thinking, working style and tightening relationship with people. I have more awareness and more empathy with people. I can also understand and support myself, my family and my colleagues much better. I have a new mindset and a new thinking process which helps me the adaptability to complexity and challenges. Most importantly I can coach my two sons on their values and life purposes which I think is very important if they know what they want to do since young. My older son wants to be an automotive engineer so he starts gathering information and collecting car spare parts. My younger son has a very clear future for being a teacher. They have courage to pursue on their dreams… dare to think, act, choose and decide by themselves with no concern about parents’ and friends’ opinions. I really appreciate Coach KC and CoachPlus Academy for her dedication and passion on the coach training program and all coaching sessions with me.